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Chapter 1 – Introduction to Waterflood Design
1.01 Intro to Waterflood Design & Workflows
(20 min.)
Sample Lesson
1.02 Finding Analogy (16 min.)
1.03 Analogue Pools & Controlling Factors (24 min.)
Quiz: 1.03 Analogue Pools & Controlling Factors
1.04 Production Profiles (20 min.)
Quiz: 1.04 Production Profiles
1.05 Field Example 2 - East Swan Hills (14 min.)
1.06 Bubble Maps (12 min.)
Quiz: 1.06 Bubble Maps
1.07 Gas Collapse and Fill-up (19 min.)
Quiz: 1.07 Gas Collapse and Fill-up
1.08 The Effect of Depletion on Volumetric Sweep (11 min.)
Quiz: 1.08 The Effect of Depletion on Volumetric Sweep
1.09 Building a Forecast on Excel (10 min.)
Chapter 2 - Volumetric Sweep/Displacement Efficiency
2.01 Volumetric Sweep (20 min.)
2.02 Reservoir Controlling Factors Revisited (13 min.)
2.03 Differences of Water Wet & Oil Wet Systems (17 min.)
2.04 Sweep Efficiency (22 min.)
Chapter 3 - Surveillance Techniques for Waterfloods
3.01 Use of Bubble Maps to Estimate Reservoir Flow Mechanics (12 min.)
3.02 Recovery Factor vs HCPVI Plots (23 min.)
Quiz: 3.02 Recovery Factor vs HCPVI Plots
3.03 Measured Pressure Scatter (7 min.)
3.04 Forecasting & Optimization (10 min.)
Quiz: 3.04 Forecasting & Optimization
Chapter 4 - Decline Analysis for Waterfloods
4.01 Decline Analysis for Waterfloods (29 min.)
4.02 Selection of Decline Correlation (14 min.)
Quiz: 4.02 Selection of Decline Correlation
4.03 Decline Analysis Examples (27 min.)
4.04 Recap Of Lessons So Far (16 min.)
Chapter 5 - Waterflood Case Studies
5.01 Decline Analysis Case Study - Wainwright Field (14 min.)
5.02 Waterflood Response & Water Fencing Case Study - Keybob South Field (16 min.)
Quiz: 5.02 Waterflood Response & Water Fencing Case Study - Keybob South Field
5.03 Waterflood Response & Water Fencing Case Study - Keybob South Field Continued (14 min.)
5.04 Waterflood Response & Water Fencing Case Study - Chauvin South Field (12 min.)
5.05 Conformance Plots & Throughput Rate (17 min.)
Quiz: 5.05 Conformance Plots & Throughput Rate
5.06 Hall Plots (16 min.)
Quiz: 5.06 Hall Plots
Chapter 6 - Waterflood & Injection Induced Fractures
6.01 Injection Induced Fractures (16 min.)
Quiz: 6.01 Injection Induced Fractures
6.02 Analysis of Injection Pressures and Rates (23 min.)
6.03 Example of Interference Tests in the Spraberry (11 min.)
6.04 Fracture Length and Complexity (8 min.)
6.05 Course Recap (19 min.)
Quiz: 6.05 Course Recap
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Waterflood Design, Surveillance and Implementation
/ Chapter 1 – Introduction to Waterflood Design
Lesson 1.01 Intro to Waterflood Design & Workflows
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