Carbon Credits: Financial Incentive To Reduce Emissions Course

Amy Zell

The purpose of this course is to outline the mechanics of carbon credits and discuss how they can be used as a tool to finance emission reduction projects. The course covers the principles and development of carbon credits, and their use in both compliance and voluntary systems. There is also an emphasis on carbon capture and storage. The course is developed from the perspective of carbon credit development in order to help students identify ways to reduce emissions in their own operationsRead more...

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Course contents

    Chapter 1 - Carbon Credit Principles

    This chapter is an introduction to carbon credits. Students will learn what carbon credits are and how they can be used to achieve carbon neutrality and net zero goals, the broadly accepted metrics to defining high-quality carbon credits, and key elements of carbon markets that are important to understand when beginning the process of developing carbon credits.

    1.01 Carbon Credits Intro (13 min.)  Sample Lesson

    1.02 What is a Carbon Credit (18 min.)

    Chapter 2 - Credit Development Process

    Chapter 2 is a roadmap to developing carbon credits. The various steps in the carbon credit development process are discussed in detail, including: feasibility study, registration, validation, monitoring, quantification, verification, and credit issuance. Protocols and methodologies are highlighted in this chapter and key considerations for their use are debated. Principles of carbon quantification are discussed to give the student a starting point for quantifying emission reduction projects in their own operations. Tips and tricks to a successful project development process are explained throughout.

    2.01 Credit Development Process Intro (11 min.)

    2.02 Registration (5 min.)

    2.03 Validation (2 min.)

    2.04 Monitoring (2 min.)

    2.05 Quantification (6 min.)

    2.06 Verification (6 min.)

    2.07 Issuance (3 min.) Quiz

    Chapter 3 - Carbon Markets

    3.01 Voluntary and Compliance Markets (7 min.)

    3.02 Supply and Demand (14 min.)

    3.03 Compliance Markets (16 min.) Quiz

    Chapter 4 - Carbon Capture & Storage

    4.01 Carbon Capture & Storage Intro (5 min.)

    4.02 Credit Generation Pathways (16 min.)

    4.03 Challenges with CCS (14 min.)